Town of Newbury, New Hampshire
Police & Fire Departments

Central Station Alarm Company Alarm System Notification Form

The Town of Newbury Alarm Ordinance requires that all security and fire alarms that transmit to a central station are permitted by the Newbury Police & Fire Departments. Alarm companies that install, service and monitor these alarms must also have a permit to operate in Newbury. The ordinance specifies that property owners and alarm companies that do not have a permit are subject to fine by the town.

Alarm companies doing business in the town of Newbury shall inform their customers of the alarm permit requirement. Information on the alarm ordinance is available on this website. The alarm company shall notify the Newbury Police & Fire Departments in writing of any alarms being installed or service that is taken over from another alarm company by providing the address of the installation and the name of the alarm customer. The alarm company shall also notify the town if they discontinue monitoring service of a property in Newbury.

This website form will provide the required notification to the Town of Newbury.

Date of Installation/Change:   

Name of Alarm Co. 

Alarm Company Phone Number

Alarm Company’s Email* 

Name of Central station monitoring company, if different: 

 New Alarm Installation   Alarm Co Change   Discontinue Service

 Fire & Security Alarm   Fire Alarm Only   Security Alarm Only   Other 

Address of Alarm: 

Customer’s Name 


Customer’s Permanent Address, if not Newbury 

Additional Information: 

Name of person completing this form:  Date
