Newbury Fire & Rescue Department
PO Box 373
919 Route 103
Newbury, NH 03255
Emergency Dial 911
Business Message Phone (603) 763-4403 (If you receive a disconnected message try using a cell phone)
Dispatch Phone (603) 763-2221
Fax (603) 763-5379
Office Hours Tuesdays 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Newbury Permits Seasonal Burning Permits Seasonal Category I or Category II outside burning permits are required by the State of New Hampshire for wood burning fireplaces or fire pits. These permits expire December 31, 2024 and need to be renewed after January 1, 2025. Permits are not required for gas or charcoal grills or fire pits. Seasonal permits can be requested and printed on your computer at the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands Online Permit Website If you had a seasonal permit in 2023 or a prior year, you are already in the system and all you have to do is update. Please note that the website link is no longer in service. To request a permit click on the Onlime Permiting System link above or type in: (The state service provider does charge a $5.50 fee for this service) Category III brush burning permits are not required when the ground is completely covered with snow. Please contact Forest Fire Warden, Dave Smith (603) 309-8809 with any questions. Fireworks Permits Fireworks Permits are required for all consumer fireworks displays in Newbury. Permits need to be requested at least 48 hours prior to the display. An inspection of the display site mey be required if you have not previously been issued a fireworks permit Fireworks Permits Issued Fire Alarm Permit Application & Update Apply for a fire alarm permit or update your information on line. Complete the On line Alarm Permit Application
Wood, Oil, and Gas Heating Inspections Fire Code Permits and Inspections are Required for the Installation and Operation of Wood, Oil and Gas Equipment Complete an on-line Application Wood Burning Equipment Permit Application Gas Appliance, Furnace, Gas Backup Generator, Installed Gas Grill, Fireplace or Firepit, Gas Piping and Equipment Permit Application Oil Burner Installation/Operation Permit Application |
Newbury Fire Department Table of Contents
Newbury Fire Rescue facebook |
Visit Newbury Fire Rescue on Facebook
Newbury Fire Rescue Response Information |
2025 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2024 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2023 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2022 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2021 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2020 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2019 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
2018 Newbury Fire Rescue Response Summary
Newbury Fire Rescue Information |
The Newbury Fire Department is looking for firefighters and EMTs. If you are interested in becomming part of the Newbury Fire Department, please stop by at the fire station any Tuesday evening and fill out an Application or click here to download an application
Get the NH Alerts App
Newbury Alerts is a free service provided by the New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Emergency Communications. Emergency and community messages are initiated by authorized public safety officials at the State level and severe weather warnings are initiated directly by the National Weather Service.
The app delivers notifications to subscribers within a specific geographic area. If you are not receiving alerts through this application, you are not currently in an area identified with a potential public safety threat by the New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.Newbury Alerts is used by New Hampshire public safety officials to inform and protect State residents and visitors. The NH Alerts app is free and available at the App Store and Google Play. No registration is required. Users are encouraged to enable their GPS services so the app can deliver location-based multimedia alerts to subscribers within a specific geographic area. Users may visit the NH Alerts app settings to select the alerts they would like to receive.
The app delivers notifications to subscribers within a specific geographic area. If you are not receiving alerts through this application, you are not currently in an area identified with a potential public safety threat by the New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Click here to fill out the application formIf you were enrolled in NH Alerts prior to September 2023, you are already in the sysyem and do not have to fill out the form. Please go to go to the Ready NH.Gov NH Alerts website and to download the new Genasys Protect mobile app
New Hampshire 911 Why Every Question Matters
Dave Smith becomes new Newbury Fire Chief.
Newbury Selectboard Chair, Scott Wheeler, administers the oath of office to new Newbury Fire Chief, Dave Smith at the may 6th selectboard meeting.
Chief Smith will assume his duties on May 1, with the retirement of long time Chief, Hank Thomas. Chief Thomas will be stepping down as chief, but will continue as a member of the fire department. Lithium-Ion Batteries It is important to remember that Lithium-Ion batteries used in power tools, phones and other electronic equipment, should never be disposed of in the trash as it presents an extreme fire hazard. If you have any of these batters that can no longer be used, bring them to the Newbury transfer station and give them to an attendant who will place them in a special storage area. In 2022, (the latest year that data was available) there were 390 Lithium-ion battery fires at transfer stations/recycling centers in this country There were 56 injuries and 2 deaths from these fires. One of those fires was at the transfer station in Lee, New Hampshire. Please think before you throw any Lithium-ion batteries in the trash Street Address Signs Newbury Town ordinance requires that each residents is marked with a street address sign that is visible from the road Newbury Fire Rescue is making reflective street address signs available to Newbury residents at our cost. You can order these attractive green metal signs at Sign Order Form.
The Town of Newbury Street Numbering Ordinance requires that every home and business in Newbury has a street address posted that is visible from the road.
The reason for the ordinance was to assure that emergency responders would be able to locate a property in the event of a medical emergency, fire, or other emergency. If you do not currently have street numbers posted, this program will provide an attractive street number sign for your property and help emergency responders find you more quickly in an emergency.
Fire Code Permit Applications
Fire Code Compliance
In accordance with the New Hampshire State Fire Code, inspections and permits are required from the fire department for the instalation and operation of oil burners, gas heating and other gas operated equipment and wood burning stoves.
Request a permit and inspection by completing and submitting the following applications:
Fire Safety |
State of New Hampshire Outside Burning Regulations |
Outside Burning
The State of new Hampshire requires a Permit to Kindle Fire the Forest Fire Warden or Deputy Warden for all outside burning. See Warden contact information below Information on the permit requirements and the permits may be obtained from the Newbury Forest Fire Warden or Deputy Wardens.
The Town of Newbury is now part of the New Hampshire Online Fire Permitting System. You can now print your new or renewal fire permit at home (service fee applies).
Request Category I & II Fire Permit
If you have received a Seasonal Category I or II Permit to Kindle Fire in issued in 2023, you cam update your information amd print the 2024 permit on the website.
A Category III Permit is only available from the Forest Fire Warden Dave Smith at 603-309-8809, they are not available on-line
Fire Permit Contact Information
Newbury Ordinances |
Newbury Fire Alarm Ordinance
The Town of Newbury Alarm Ordinance requires all homeowners and businesses with fire and security alarms that are transmitted to an alarm company central station central station to obtain an alarm permit from the Town of Newbury. The ordinance also specifies that alarm companies that monitor these alarms be permitted by the town. The permit requires complete contact information including local contacts (key holders) for out of town owners, this information is available to dispatch and the fire department so quick access can be gained to the building by someone who has a key in the event of an alarm. The ordinance also specifies that any property that has more than three false alarms in a 12 month period be assessed a fine. The amount of the fine increases for additional alarms once the minimum has been met. Since the ordinance was implemented several years ago, the number of false alarms that Newbury Fire rescue has responded to has significantly been reduced. The permit application process is easy with an on-line application on this website by clicking “Alarm Application” in the green box this page. The Safety Ordinance page provides complete information on the Newbury Alarm Ordinance. You may also update contact information on the website form. There is no charge for the fire alarm permit.
Alarm Companies Need Permit to Install and Monitor Fire and Security Alarms in Newbury
Alarm companies that instll, service and monitor fire and security alarms at residences and businesses in the town of Newbury must have a permit from the Newbury Police and Fire Departments.There is no fee for the permit. The Newbury Alarm ordinance requires the permiting of security and fire alarms monitored by an alarm company central station. Under the ordinance, the company that installes, services or monitors an alarm must apply for an Alarm Company Permit.Under the ordinance, unpermitted alarm companies operating in Newbury are subject to a $100 fine.
Alarm Companies installing alarm systems must inform their customers of the town requirement for an alarm permit and that they can apply on the Newbury Fire department website. The alarm company must also notify the Newbury Fire Department in writing of the owner's name and address of the new alarm installation. The notification can be by fax (603)763-5379, completing the on-line form, or by email
The Application for a Newbury Alarm Permit is now on line
There are now two ways to apply for a fire and security alarm permit in Newbury. The permit application can be completed online (click below in the Online Permit Application) and the application will be electronically submitted to the Town of Newbury. You will be contacted when the permit is issued. As in the past, you can still download and print the permit the application in a pdf file and fax to the Newbury Fire Department or drop off at the police department or town office during normal business hours. Please note that if you change alarm companies, a new alarm permit is required. Alarm permits can only be issued for alarm companies that are permitted by the Town of Newbury, applicants should verify that the alarm company has an Alarm Company Permit from the town.
The on line form can also be used to update your contact information, such as cell and work phone numbers and the names of local contacts that have access to your home if you cannot be reached. If your alarm permit is over two years old, you may need to update your information so that we have the correct phone numbers in an emergency.
The Town of Newbury Alarm Ordinance requires a permit for all business and residential central station fire and security alarms.
The Town of Newbury will access fines for central station alarm systems that do not have the alarm permits and for alarm systems that transmit multiple false alarms. Please see a summary of the ordinance on the Ordinance Page
Click here to fill out a Fire Alarm Permit online
Click here to download and print the Fire Alarm Permit Application The completed permit applications can be faxed to the Newbury Fire Department at 763-5379
Newbury Fire Rescue Apparatus |
Newbury Boat 2
Newbury Boat 2 is a 2011 20 foot Northe River Marine aluminum boat with twin 50 horsepower outboard motors. The boat is a former US Coast Guard buoy service boat acquired in 2022. The boat is used by the fire and police departments for rescue and public service on Lake Sunapee .
Newbury Programs |
Knox Box
Newbury Fire & Rescue Department Knox Box Program
If you own a property in Newbury, are not always available to answer a call for a fire alarm at your property and do not have someone in the area that has a key to provide the Newbury Fire Department with access to your property. please consider installing a Knox Box.
The Newbury Fire & Rescue Department is part of the “Knox Box” program for emergency building access. A Knox Box is a secure key box containing building keys affixed to the outside of a business or home. If a fire alarm is received or there is a report of other emergency when the building us unoccupied, the fire department utilizes special fire department key, that will open the Knox Box containing the building keys. This eliminates the need to break down doors or windows to enter the building or presume there is no fire when nothing is visible from the outside. The ability to thoroughly inspect a building will enable the responders to locate other problems such as electrical hazards, heating problems and gas and water leaks set off an alarm and could lead to costly other problems if not identified. The Knox Box system is only used to enter a building in the event of a fire department emergency response to an alarm activation or report of an emergency at the location.
The fire department key is secured in special Knox Box on the truck that can only be opened by authorized personnel and all openings of the box are electronically recorded. Knox Boxes keyed to the Newbury system are purchased by the building owner from the Knox Box company and are installed in accordance with fire department specifications. Knox Boxes are generally installed at locations with Town of Newbury permitted central station fire alarm systems, where the Newbury Police and Fire Departments have emergency contact information. Building owners or their authorized emergency contacts are notified of every alarm notification and when the Knox Box is used to provide emergency personnel with access to the building. Emergency contact Information provided is kept confidential by the police and fire departments.
New commercial, multi-family (4+), seasonal residences and gated properties are required to have a Knox Box as part of the building permit process.
Information on the Knox Box system is available on the company’s website, For residential and small business use the Knox Residential 1658 Series surface mount box is used. Other models are available for larger businesses where multiple access keys may be needed, for new construction and other special requirements. Knox Boxes keted to the Newbury Fire Department system can be ordered on line from the Knox Box company or the new Knox HomeBox #1501 website for residential boxes and the Newbury Fire Department will be notified of your order and install the box when it is received. If you have questions, please contact the department at
The Newbury Fire Dept. Benevolent Association is seeking donations to fund the construction of a small Fire Dept. Museum on town property alongside the Velie Memorial Playground adjacent to the new fire station. Highlights of the project are as follows:
Help us celebrate the richness of Newbury Fire Department’s history and enable community residents and visitors to view the historic gems of the department on a regular basis.
Please send your donation check, made out to the Newbury Fire Dept. with “Museum project” noted on the memo line, to P.O. Box 373, Newbury, NH 03255. Donors making substantial gifts ($2,500 or more) will be recognized by name on a display in the museum.
Or go to: Go Fund Me to donate online
New Fire Station History |
Links to Information on New Fire Rescue Station
Monthly Features |
Fire Safety Information
Community Information |
Newbury Fire Department Resident Emergency Information Form In order to better serve the residents of Newbury in the event of a fire, medical or other emergency, the Newbury Fire Department is in process of updating the street listing information. Please complete the attached form for our emergency response database print and mail to the Newbury Fire Department PO Box 373, Newbury NH 03255. We plan to be able to submit the forms electronically in the near future. |